Guess what's on its way to me right now????
It will be here Tuesday and I can't wait. I know I haven't been on here lately but with our big end of summer sale plus Emma's been really difficult the past few weeks I really haven't had much computer time...or sewing time.
I started my Tinkertote and managed to complete one side of it. Hopefully the other side will be done soon so I can use it.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's really about all that's happened since my last post.
I did acquire some new accounts with some fabric companies. One being Freespirit. I'm not sure when I'll start ordering fabric from them since I am still on the fence about going to quilt market.
I really want Tula's new line though. Check this print out-
Anyways Saturday (TODAY) is the last day of my sale to save 30% on all fabric purchases. We have had a successful sale and have made room for Sunnyside coming next week which is great because I had no idea where I was going to put it.
The sale is happening on my Etsy and my website.
I'll be back later this weekend with an update on my tinkertote and class review. I really am enjoying it and would recommend it for anyone.