Wow I didn't mean to be gone for so long. Unfortunately this year has not been going that well and to be honest I haven't sewn one thing since my last post. I am hoping things are settling down and I'm able to get back into blogging. I have shut down my fabric shop though for numerous reasons so I'm going to refocus my blog and creating. Hopefully, I'll have some more time now to do some of the things I enjoy.
Anyway, I'll be removing shop links on here and doing some other re-designing too so I apologize if things look weird from time to time. :)
Any new books or sew a longs happening right now I am missing out on??
I have bought some new fabric the past week I can't wait to share!
I haven't sewn much lately either 😢 I made a quilt this year but only because my cousin commissioned me to make him one. But other than that, I've had no sew-jo. I miss creating in general but have just been in a rut since last year 😞
Posted by: Joellen Kemper | 05/22/2017 at 08:45 AM
Same here!! I'm having such a hard time and I don't know why???!! After all the political drama that was all over my Instagram I feel like it ruined the community for me. Now I'm not sure what to do so I'm just kind of doing nothing.....
Posted by: *Staci * | 06/10/2017 at 11:22 AM